After reading the first article, I had a better understanding of how open learning will impact learners, what are the benefits, and what are those reasons regards why we should apply OER into our education. As mentioned in the article, OER application is “directly impacting that student’s ability to enroll in, persist through, and complete a course”(Mays, 2017). OER will reduce economic pressure for people who want to receive higher education, also helps them to complete it. OER allows resources be open to learners, learning will become “learner-centered”(Mays, 2017). When people are given open access to learning material, learning becomes affordable, and everyone have the “freedom” of choosing to learning(Mays, 2017). Learning is no longer restricted by money and locations for everyone in the world.
The second article talks about internet filter limits access to information. Internet is the place commonly used for searching information and knowledge nowadays, and “network filtering plays an essential role in stopping malware, viruses, and child pornography” is undoubled(Gilliard&Culik, 2016). However, along with these illegal stuff being filtered, many information of certain topic is also filtered, the limits of users’ world are being shaped at the same time like Nina’s case mentioned in the article(Gilliard&Culik, 2016). We do not have access to many foreign sites in China where I am from, such as Google, Youtube, and Instagram etc. The restriction of information limits the exploration to the world. As learners, we have lost many resources which could have been helpful for us. For this matter, I believe that learner have the right to access information that are interested for them.
In the last article, Kral and Schwab described eight design principles for indigenous learning spaces. What I found interesting is the design principle 4: A space to grow into new roles and responsibilities. In this space where everyone is given a specific role to play, they are learning by actually experiencing new things. Everyone needs to do certain things and learn them in order to take responsibility for the role. According to Kral and Schwab, ” they were challenged to go the extra step in a risk-laden environment and they did”(2012). This space helps learners step out of their comfort zone, and achieving the greatest learning outcome. Each space described in this article is designed for Indigenous young people better to learn. To connect with our daily learning wether with distributed learning or open learning, we need to consistently think about what kind of “space” works better for you, and how to build up a “space” that works best for achieving the greatest learning outcome.
Mays, E. (Ed.). (2017). A guide to making open textbooks with students. Rebus Community. Link to Chapter 1.
Gilliard, C., & Culik, H. (2016, May 24). Digital Redlining, Access, and Privacy. Common Sense Education.
Kral, I. & Schwab, R.G. (2012). Chapter 4: Design Principles for Indigenous Learning Spaces. Safe Learning Spaces. Youth, Literacy and New Media in Remote Indigenous Australia. ANU Press.