After reading through the first article where Claire listed several case studies of online instructional practices, I have changed my opinion toward online courses for the longest time. I used to think the structure of online courses is single and uninteresting. However, for each case mentioned in this article, the instructor structured a specific online course to meet the purposes of teaching it and expectations on students. For example, in the J.PATRICK BIDDIX’s Classification for Technology in Higher Education. he
DIYed this course, specifically, he “creates the infrastructure and run discussion prompts” for every task, and leaving students to decide how to demonstrate and develop content by using various techniques. In this way, students are able to use their creativity as much as they want, and use the technology which they are comfortable with. When I read through David Evans’s experience of teaching an open introductory
computer science course, I thought about how open online classes provide flexible studying hours and places for everyone. As a college student who has to attend school every day and be restricted by deadlines, I keep wondering how the learning outcomes would be affected if take them online.

After reading through this timeline view research created by (), I learned how the concept of openness has been applied to the education from the early 1970s to the present. In my opinion, The emergence of networks and open learning are closely linked, open education is applied by more people along with the progress and development of technology. However, I am confused about in the early 1970s how the concept of open classroom firstly be introduced. I wondered how Open Classrooms be applied if the network is not implemented.



Claire Howell Major. (2015). Teaching Online – A Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice. (Page 88-105) (pp.    
Jordan, K., & Weller, M. (2017). Jordan, K. & Weller, M. (2017)

Openness and Education: A beginners’ guide.