Throughout this course, I have been really enjoying the concept of open learning. Learning ideas about open education makes me open up to more opportunities. While I was read through Twitter Chat, I felt the same way as many of my other peers felt, I am now excited and interested in online learning by taking Edci339. I also found many great resources and opinions from my peers on Twitter Chat. For example, @Larryferlazzo shared this link talks about the passive learning. I totally agree with the point in this article. Whether traditional class or Zoom class is not determining the learning outcomes, the class structure and active learning is the key. Many of my courses I am taking right now are lectures behind the scream just like this article described. While I am exploring these resources shared by my peers, I gained many great ideas in a short time, this progress is interesting. I felt like I was exploring all these different idea that have never came to my mind, and then I started to give more thoughts on these ideas. I love experiencing this process, more importantly, I can read and think at my own pace. Overall, I would like continuous to learning using Twitter, it has been a great learning experience for me.